八卦掌八大掌法練藝歌/Baguazhang Ba Da Zhang Fa Lian Yi Ge – Baguazhang’s Eight Big Palms Method Training Skill Song

•踏掌/Ta Zhang – Compressing Palm

三角步法走四面,八方八打不滯慢。   迎招踏它頭面胸,坐身踏其腰胯肚。

Triangle Footwork Walks the Four Sides, the Eight Directions & Eight Strikes aren’t sluggish or slow.

When facing a maneuver aimed at the chest, Compress it, Sit the Body & Compress his hips or belly.

回身掖踏不留情,撩陰反踏快中求。   托按跟步走連環,無極踏掌剛柔變。

Returning Body Tucking Compressing is unrelenting, Scoop the Yin Reverse Compressing seeks to strike quickly.

Lifting, Pressing, Following Step Walking is Interlocked, Hard & soft vary in Wuji Compressing Palm.

•穿掌/Chuan Zhang – Penetrating Palm

前穿掌仙人指路,后穿掌威力無窮。   平穿掌猛虎下山,雙穿掌二龍戲珠。

Forward Penetrating Palm Immortal Points the Way, Rear Penetrating Palm’s formidable power is boundless.

Level Penetrating Palm Fierce Tiger Descends Mountain, Double Penetrating Palm Two Dragons Play with Pearls.

探身掌白蛇吐信,回身掌蛟龍入海。   三穿掌無法抵擋,走轉穿四面八方。

Probing Body Palm White Snake Spits Book, Returning Body Palm Flood Dragon Enters Sea.

Triple Penetrating Palm is unstoppable, Walking, Turning, Penetrating the Four Sides & Eight Directions.

•劈掌/Pi Zhang – Chopping Palm

劈掌力量大無邊,動靜結合意當先。   招法迅猛快如電,腳下生根穩如山。

Chopping Palm’s great strength is boundless, Movement & Stillness combine, with the intent to be first.

The method of use is sudden & violent, quick like electricity, grow the roots underfoot until it’s stable as a mountain.

上下劈砸連環走,左右削砍似割草。   身法步法混元經,乾坤手腳一氣通。

Upper & Lower Chopping Smashing Interlocks with Walking, Left & Right Pareing Hacking is like mowing grass.

The Body Method & Footwork use Primordial Jing, Qian & Kun, Hands & Feet, connected by the One Qi.

•撞掌/Zhuang Zhang – Crashing Palm

雙掌托出猿獻果,推撞四面無處躲。   跟步跳躍如虎撲,坐身雙撩如捧球。

Double Palm Supporting Extending like an Ape Offering Fruit, Pushing & Crashing, on all sides, leave nowhere to hide.

Following Step leaps like a Tiger pouncing, Sitting Body Double Scooping is like clasping a ball in both hands.

撲按頓剉穩准狠,推窗望月打心窩。   推托帶領隨意使,八面走轉無極式。

Pouncing, Depressing, Stopping, & Filing allow ruthlessness when stable, Push the Window to See the Moon strikes the Solar Plexus.

Pushing, Lifiting, Carrying, & Leading are used at will, Eight Sides Walking Turning uses the Wuji Pattern.

•轉掌/Zhuan Zhang – Turning Palm

八卦轉掌似推磨,呼吸全憑鼻孔過。   空胸緊背下塌腰,走轉周身莫動搖。

Bagua Turning Palm uses Pushing & Grinding, breathing completely relies on passing through the nostrils.

Empty the chest, tighten the back, & settle down the waist, in Walking Turning, the entire body does not shake.

沉肩墜肘伸前掌,二目須向虎口瞧。   屈腿直腳往前伸,自然放鬆左右轉。

Sink the shoulders, drop the elbow, & extend the front palm, the two eyes look toward the Tiger’s Mouth.

Bend the thigh, then straighten the leg to extend forwards, left & right Turning are natural & relaxed.

•晃掌/Huang Zhang – Shaking Palm

晃掌走轉揉球法,左旋右轉分步法。   上下晃動陰陽法,前后搖動無極法。

Shaking Palm’s Walking Turning is the Kneading a Ball Method, Left Whirling & Right Turning divide the Footwork.

Upper & Lower Swaying is the Yin Yang Method, Front & Back Shaking is the Wuji Method.

擰轉四方金剛法,粘連相隨太極法。  四明内圈五行法,八方穿走九宮法。

Twisting & Turning in All Directions is the Jingang Method, Sticking & Linking Mutually Follow is the Taiji Method.

Four Lights in a Ring is the Five Phases Method, Eight Directions Penetrating is the Walking the Nine Palaces Method.

•繞身掌/Rao Shen Zhang – Winding Body Palm

繞身掌法似穿梭,猶如燕子柳林過。   左右縱橫隨意走,上下前后要協調。

The Winding Body Palm Method uses Penetrating to & fro, similar to a swallow passing through a willow forrest.

Left & Right, Vertical & Horizontal, Walking as you wish, Upper & Lower, Front & Rear, must coordinate.

時前時后晃身繞,忽左忽右游龍到。   四面八方掙裹力,無行八卦彈簧力。

Now Forward & now Backward Shake the Body Winding, suddenly left & suddenly right, it moves like a Swimming Dragon.

All directions equally have Struggling Wrapping Li, the Unmoving Bagua has Spring Li.

•連環掌/Lianhuan Zhang – Interlocking Palm

連環掌法走連環,晃繞揉球隨意換。   劈穿踏撞冷脆快,走轉擰翻揉身轉。

In the Interlocking Palm Method the Walking Interlocks, Shaking & Winding Rolling the Ball changes at will.

Chopping, Penetrating, Compressing, & Crashing are Cold, Crisp, & Fast, Walking, Turning, Twisting, & Overturning are Rubbing Body Turning.

内外三合要相連,動靜結合意中傳。   陰陽神掌在其中,八卦九宮任我行。

The Inner & Outer Three Harmonies must mutually link, Movment & Stillness combine when the Yi circulates.

Yin Yang Spirit Palm is that wherein I freely perform the Bagua Nine Palaces.

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